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Hurriyah is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Center for Political Studies, Universitas Indonesia. She is also chair of the Indonesian Scholar Network on Freedom of Religion or Beliefs (ISFORB). Her research interests include religion and politics, religious minorities, democratization and civic space, and women’s political representation. Since 2019, Hurriyah has investigated the politics of religious freedom and discrimination from the perspective of civic space. She has also actively engaged with local, national, and international scholars to make the issue better known. Hurriyah has 20 years’ experience in academic and applied research that informs governmental, international, and local organizations on how to promote research-based advocacy for policy change in Indonesia. Her work has been published in Asian Politics & Policy, Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights, and Jurnal Politik. Hurriyah is currently conducting a study on the Rohingya and perceived minority threats in Myanmar and beyond, in partnership with the Asia Research Center Universitas Indonesia (ARC UI) and International Development Research Centre (IDRC). She recently was awarded a Fulbright Visiting Scholar grant to Boston University.