Fishel Szlajen is a rabbi (Yeshivat Maale Gilboa) and holds a postdoctoral degree in bioethics (PUCRS), a PhD in philosophy (UNEM), and an MA in Jewish philosophy (Bar-Ilan University). Szlajen serves as a senior professor at University of Buenos Aires and La Matanza National University. He is also a Mandel Jerusalem Fellow from the Mandel Leadership Institute and a member of both the National Academic Council of Ethics in Medicine and the Argentine Council for Religious Freedom. Szlajen has published more than 250 works and was appointed by Pope Francis in 2017 as an Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life in Vatican City. In 2018 Szlajen was awarded the Mención de Honor Domingo Sarmiento, the highest national distinction granted by the Argentinean National Senate, for his academic contributions. In 2019, the Buenos Aires Legislature declared him Outstanding Personality of Buenos Aires City in the Field of Culture. In 2020, the Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs recognized him for his interfaith bioethical work. Szlajen’s interfaith production has influenced several laws and policies in Argentina; the resulting documents provide societal solutions from Abrahamic religions on current issues in the fields of bioethics, religious liberty, the environment, and politics, among others.