Chiara Graziani is a postdoc research fellow in Comparative Public Law at the Baffi-Carefin Research Center of Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Her research addresses emergency powers, national security, counterterrorism, and public health measures—all with a focus on technology. She has published several articles on these topics, including “Post-Pandemic Constitutionalism: COVID-19 as a Game-Changer for ‘Common Principles?’” (co-authored with Arianna Vedaschi and published in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 2023) and the monograph Sicurezza pubblica e diritti in tempi di terrorismo internazionale: tra endiadi e antitesi [Public Security and Rights in Times of International Terrorism: Between Hendiadys and Antithesis] (2022). Chiara has been a visiting scholar at prestigious universities and research centers in Europe, including Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, and the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law in Lausanne, Switzerland.