Dorjana Bojanovska Popovska is a teaching assistant and SJD candidate in Comparative Constitutional Law at the Central European University (CEU), Budapest, and a former visiting scholar at the Department of Law “Cesare Beccaria,” University of Milan (2019), and the Europa Institute, Leiden Law School (2017). She is a visiting instructor and tutor at the OLIve-UP Program, at CEU and Bard College Berlin. The focus of her teaching and research includes topics related to constitutional secularism, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and illiberal democracies. Before joining CEU, Popovska gained more than five years of professional experience as a legal advisor in the private and NGO sector in North Macedonia. Her prior professional engagements include the following positions: Head Legal Advisor at Petreski&Partners Ltd. (2011 2014), Legal Associate at DDK Attorneys at Law (2015), and Legal Advisor at the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of North Macedonia (2015–2016).